Conference Committee

This virtual conference is a collaborative effort among the members of the Organizing Committee, listed below.

Organizing Committee

  • Robert Nerenberg - University of Notre Dame, USA (main conference administrator)
  • Patricia Perez-Calleja - University of Notre Dame, USA (main conference co-administrator)
  • Joshua Boltz - Arizona State University, USA
  • Fabrizio Sabba - Northwestern University, USA
  • Kelly Gordon - Black & Veatch, USA
  • Manish Kumar - University of Texas at Austin, USA
  • Eberhard Morgenroth - EAWAG and ETH, Switzerland
  • Sudhir Murthy - NEWhub Corp, USA
  • Barth Smets - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  • Kim Soerensen - Veolia Water Technologies/AnoxKaldnes, Denmark
  • Akihiko Terada - Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
  • Mark van Loosdrecht - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • Rongchang Wang - Tongji University, China
  • Stefan Wuertz - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

International Scientific Committee

  • Robert Nerenberg - University of Notre Dame, USA
  • Patricia Perez-Calleja - University of Notre Dame, USA
  • Joshua Boltz - Arizona State University, USA
  • Doris Brockmann - INRAE Transfert, France
  • Fabrizio Sabba - Northwestern University, USA
  • Kelly Gordon - Black & Veatch, USA
  • Manish Kumar - University of Texas at Austin, USA
  • Susanne Lackner - Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
  • Mohamed Mahmoud - Badr University Cairo, Egypt
  • Eberhard Morgenroth - EAWAG, Switzerland
  • Sudhir Murthy - NEWhub Corp, Columbia University, USA
  • Maria Piculell - AnoxKaldnes AB, Sweden
  • Bruce Rittmann - Arizona State University, USA
  • Barth Smets - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  • Kim Soerensen - Veolia Water TechnologiesAnoxKaldnes, Denmark
  • Akihiko Terada -Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
  • Mark van Loosdrecht - Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
  • Eveline Volcke - Ghent University, Belgium
  • Rongchang Wang - Tongji University, China
  • Stefan Wuertz - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore